Make money, save money and keep your audience coming back time after time.
Getting visitors to your website takes effort. Once you have a visitor it would be foolish to expend the same effort every time you wanted to get him to visit again.
Using the syndication system built into all our sites you can keep your visitors up to date with new updates to your business. You can syndicate all your content or provide more focused subscription options based on visitor preferences. With RSS(really Simple Syndication) built into the design of your site all you need to do is decide which information will be included in alerts and then simply add content to your site. All the magic happens automatically.
How does it work? Visitors to your site subscribe to your RSS feeds either using an RSS reader or by email. Everytime you add information to a subscribed category all subscribers will be informed.
You may want subscribers to receive notification every time you add something new to your website or you may prefer to designate only one category of information. Email notifications can be daily, weekly or monthly.